Design Center Busan > 사업분야_us


Design Center Busan


Design Center Busan is based on public design innovation projects, education related to design, and local design innovation projects. It also has exhibition rooms, seminar rooms (A, B, C, D and E), a lecture hall, event hall, and computer room, which are all part of this citizen-friendly organization that is open to everyone. Busan Industrial Design Exhibition,
Tourism Souvenir Competition Exhibition, Student Graduation Exhibition, and more are held every year in Busan Designer's Night on the 1st floor. In the third-floor Seminar Room (40-60 seats) and fourth-floor lecture hall, Busan city hall meetings, training hosted by the ward offices, workshops of various companies, business briefings, design career
experience supervised by the Design Center Busan, and a selection of design support industries are all held. In the third-floor computer room (25 seats), design marketing
specialized education for youth academy businesses, creative design experience training, and program lectures of various companies are carried out. In the 6th-floor event hall (345 seats), various events such as lectures given by companies and institutions, awards ceremony, theater plays, and children’s arts events are held. Applications can be made
through the website of Design Center Busan. The corresponding person in charge will review and approve accordingly.