Busan Fashion Week 2016, Fashion Tech Korea |
Busan Fashion Week 2016, Fashion Tech Korea
Date : 11. 3. 2016(Thu)~5(Sat)
Location : Busan Exhibition Convention Center, Busan, Republic Korea
Organized by : Busan Metropolitan City
Hosted by : Busan Economic Promotion Agency
Co-Hosted by : Busan Federation of Textile & Fashion Industry Association,
Busan Fashion Textile Industry Cooperatives
Date : 11. 3. 2016(Thu)~5(Sat)
Location : Busan Exhibition Convention Center, Busan, Republic Korea
Organized by : Busan Metropolitan City
Hosted by : Busan Economic Promotion Agency
Co-Hosted by : Busan Federation of Textile & Fashion Industry Association,
Busan Fashion Textile Industry Cooperatives